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Eswatini Health and Human Research Review Board (EHHRRB) is an independent organ of the Ministry of health which is responsible for regulating health research ethics and for clearing all health research to be undertaken in the country in keeping with international health research ethics related best practices. The first national research ethics committee was established in the country in 2006 as an informal entity and has progressively evolved over the years. The current ethics review board has been formalized through legal notice 48 of 2020. It is also registered with the Federal Wide Assurance (FWA 0002666) and IRB 00011253 for the Protection of Human participants. Other ethics committees which are primarily non-accredited exist at sub-national level within academic institutions, government, and non-governmental organizations. Health research ethics in the country is guided by the Eswatini health and human research ethics policy of 2020-2030. Related legislation is being drafted as part of a health sector wide legal framework.
According to the research ethics policy, the Eswatini Health and Human Research Review Board (EHHRRB) shall have developed into a fully-fledged autonomous organ of the Ministry of Health which shall have developed a safe environment for research participants in which their rights, dignity and social well-being are enhanced by 2030.
The policy charges the EHHRRB with a responsibility to protect the rights, dignity and safety of individuals and communities who volunteer to participate in research studies that are conducted in the country. The EHHRRB carries out its mission by building capacity of researchers in research ethics, providing guidelines and tools, reviewing research protocols, monitoring and or inspecting approved protocols as well as performing an overall regulatory function.
Guiding Principles
The work of the board is founded on the fundamental principles of research ethics: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. The board will collaborate with research stakeholders to promote honesty, accountability, professional courtesy, and good research stewardship.
- To regulate health research ethics in the country
- To guide researchers on ethical standards guiding research
- To review and approve research protocol
- To monitor implementation of research studies to ensure adherence to GCP
Institutional Arrangements
The Board is established by the ministry of health through actions of the Minister. It is established to function an autonomous organ which reports to the Minister. The board has dual responsibilities of regulating and carrying out technical research ethics functions under the leadership of the board Chairperson with support of the secretariat under the leadership of the Executive Secretary. The Secretariat is organized under three functional areas namely: administration and management; review process management; post approval monitoring and support services.
Profile of the Board
The board is made up of a multi-disciplinary team of thirteen (13) members including the secretary with training and qualification in Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research, Legal/human rights, Public health, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Philosophy/Social Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Bioethics and other related health clinical disciplines and a community representative.
Board members are appointed for a period of 3 years which is renewable for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Communication Arrangements
In coming communication with the EHHRRB on research ethics review matters shall be addressed to the Chairperson of the Board while communication on administrative and any other matters shall be communicated to the Executive Secretary. Outgoing communication on research ethics review matters shall be signed by the Chairperson of the review board while official communication on administrative and any other matters by the Executive Secretary or their designates.